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- 1 min
Detox Bath: A Way To Eliminate Toxins
Who doesn't love taking baths these days? I love sitting in the bath for an hour or two reading a book or just lying there relaxing with...
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- 2 min
¿Why Coffee?
SO…WHY COFFEE? Coffee beans act as a natural exfoliator, helping to polish dry, dead skin, leaving you feeling soft and smooth! High in...
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- 2 min
What is exfoliation and how does it benefit your skin?
Exfoliation refers to the removal of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Exfoliation can be done mechanically, using abrasive...
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- 3 min
There is a relationship between skin and gut health
There is an undeniable relationship between the gut microbiome and the skin. This has become an important topic in dermatology and...
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